Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Eli Halpin art downtown Bend

It's no secret I love the atrist Eli Halpin.  I've never met her.  Our correspondence has been through e-mail.  We have a mutual friend, but that friend is an avid Eli Halpin art fan as well, and suggested that my living room needed an Eli Halpin aspen tree painting..."A what?" I asked.  I was listening.  This friend, has great taste.  "An Eli Halpin colorful large painting of Aspen trees", she said.  I let the suggestion simmer, and a few weeks later I was "googling" Eli Halpin.  Her website is current and well layed out. I was hooked.  It was my 40th birthday, and the real estate market was good at that time.  My painting arrived sight unseen and I love it as much today as I did the day it arrived.  As real estate started to not be so good,and I started experimenting with buying and selling vintage boots, I contacted Eli once again.  She was open and receptive at once to sending me paintings on consignment.  Did I mention we have never met?  She signs her e-mails "love Eli" and her personality, kindness, and generosity ooze through her e-mails like they do her art.

I'm very excited to receive my next shipment from Eli in a few weeks.  It will be the first since her move to Austin and Cowgirl Cash's latest expansion into my entire space.  Thanks for reading, and enjoy the first glimpse of what is arriving from Eli Halpin.
xo from Cowgirl Cash

The following paintings are available at Cowgirl Cash now.  We do layaway.

Call me for details on any of these pieces.  541-815-8996

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