Friday, May 28, 2010

Baker City or Bust

Three years ago my husband and I made a deal. "I'll chaperon Luci's 4th grade trip to the beach, but you have to drive for Teddy when he's in 4th grade. Deal. Deal. We'd each take our turn showing our love to our kids while sleeping on a concrete floor, and traveling en masse. Thursday was Scott and Teddy's trip to the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center in Baker City, 4.5 hours east of Bend. Scott's car left the house at 6:30 am ready to load up 4 more boys and another dad. I sat on the couch drinking coffee and reading the paper after "the boys" left. I read Scott's horoscope for kicks. No lie, this is what it said:

"If you maintain your sense of humor and detach slightly, you might see humor in some of the intensity that surrounds the day....You see the complete gamut of wildness. Tonight be an observer and be aware."

Scott and Teddy should be home tonight by 7:00. I haven't spoken to either one of them but the texts I've been receiving from Scott have kept me laughing...

May 27, 10:37 am. One small barf
May 27, 1:05 pm. Many barfs across the group
May 27, 1:16 pm. almost off the train
May 27, 2:33 pm. Interpretive Center
May 27, 3:48 pm. Tired.
May 27, 6:10 pm. Raining @baker park 4 dinner
May 27, 6:12 pm. Dead battery. Bye
May 28, 8:11 am. Oh where to poop.
May 28, 8:12 am. G'day luv.

Not a word since then. I'm a worried? No. It takes energy to keep on texts and there's no doubt there is no extra energy left in this dad.

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